Book Review: Conceptual Breakthroughs in the Evolutionary Biology of Aging
The reductionist scientists have promised that we can cure aging by studying molecular pathways (nutrient sensing, hormonal signalling, IGF-1), searching for small molecules having large effects on metabolism (semaglutide, rapamycin, etc), and genes with large effects (daf-2 in doubles nematode…
2023 RAADFest Summary Day 3
Corderio launched the day with an exciting whirlwind update of changes in the political landscape, naming a couple massive investments. Followed by SENS Foundation highlighting their ability to maintain focus and organize contributions to advance the field. Kenneth Scott then…
2023 RAADFest Summary Day 2
I skipped the Expo talks, as those are mostly infomercials from the vendors. Liz Parrish opened up the day by identifying herself as a pioneer for having taken 4 different gene therapies! She must do this in foreign lands because…
2023 RAADFest Summary Day 1
RAADFest opens up like a rock concert. With Bryan Johnson as the keynote speaker. Followed by an infomercial for Brain Tap and whirlwind tour of recent news headlines over the last year collected by Bill Faloon peppered with anecdotes of…
Personal Freedom
I’ve been dissatisfied with Ron Paul’s loss of the Republican Party ticket. I was hoping that this election cycle would finally be determined by the enthusiastic minority of libertarians. I was hoping that it would be the nomination which proved…

Presenting Science
Today I stumbled across a somewhat recent post by Luskin of the infamous Discovery Institute. Luskin observes some comments made by Eugenie Scott, in regard to how scientists should portray their results, so as not to be pounced upon by…
Weakening of the Teleological Argument
Wikipedia defines the Teleological Argument as “an argument for the existence of god based on perceived evidence of order, purpose, design, or direction — or some combination of these — in nature.” I’ve always found it a really tough one…
Speech on Chaos Theory and Ecological Stability
I wrote this speech on the way to an Academic Decathlon competition in high school. I still like it, but see now that I really should have been speaking of path lines in attractor fields. Other than that very important…

Bachelor Chow
Like many other things in life, a comedy show had things absolutely spot on. In this case Futurama has in it a fictitious product called Bachelor Chow, which functions as a pet food, but for humans; specifically middle-aged men that…
The Assembly Programmer From Hell
Today I was reading chapter 3 (Revenge of the Nerds) in Steven Pinker’s book How the Mind Works. It talks about evolution and Darwin and Dawkins, and got me thinking about how replicators are all coded with DNA, and how…