Some Travel Tips
Use the Ranger Roll This is the first step in compacting the clothes so they’ll fit in the luggage. When rolling them up, you can also plan for each day (socks, underwear, shirt) as its own roll! At the end…
My Career Forks
Over the past couple months, I’ve busied myself with finding offers of other employment. IMS (now Zodiac Inflight Innovations) has not given me the career growth that I initially anticipated. I find that, though they are getting better, management has…
Notes: Copyright
I once participated in a debate about copyright issues, taking the position that copyright is an illegitimate concept. I prepared the following notes prior to the debate. Opening Points Historically founded on governmental systems of control Enforcement requires the interference…
The Chording Keyboard
In the past I wanted to have a keyboard, split between both hands, with keys in rows shaped according to how my fingers are able to move. It seems that, as far as recording human speech is concerned, syllable-based chording…
First trip to Nicaragua
Due to unreasonably heavy traffic in Los Angeles (before the sun came up!) and a slow, cautious driver (my mother), we arrived at the airport after the designated check-in cutoff. I blame the government for subsidizing the car culture and…
Religious Experience
In a piece titled Islam and the Misuses of Ecstasy, Sam Harris takes issue with some atheists about their distance regarding the motivations of religious believers. I, unfortunately, share the perspective that Harris critiques. I once ran into the anthropologist…
Social Game
As a result of some deep procrastination, I’ve been spending far too much time reading junk in the manosphere, which I only recently discovered. These collection of blogs promote topics such as MGTOW (men going their own way), MRA (men’s…
The Absence of Libertarian Countries
Salon has a rousing piece of claptrap provokingly titled The question libertarians just can’t answer. Fortunately, without building up any suspense (which would in this case be correlated with reader annoyance), the author, Michael Lind, comes right out with it:…
Career Advice from a Successful Autistic
Autistics may be a rare breed, but it it pays off handsomely to try and understand the workings of their minds. In the same way that building and bridge design improves from failures more than successes, neurologists learn more about…
Distributed Defense
Recently there has been much brouhaha about 3D printed weapons. Mostly these reactions have been media-generated. Cody Wilson, an enterprising young lad has, for the past year, been perfecting the technical artistry behind the manufacture of a working gun printed…