Car PC

I’ve kinda been looking at the computer market recently, So I decided to goto Fry’s today, just to look around. While there I saw on the display of motherboards, some tiny Mini-ITX systems. They were all a bit underpowered, but…

Google still shiny?

So Google has recently released a new browser, Chrome, which must have been named to remind us that the company is still shiny and new. I must of course commend them for certain features: Relocating the address bar. Just like…

A Modest Proposal for a Home Server

Alright, I’m dissatisfied with my current computer setup, and am thinking about purchasing myself a desktop/server. To start off, Jeff Atwood has recently spec’d a nice machine for one of his friends. I began with his list, and modified it…

Yak Shaving — Git on a Terastation

Today I spent a considerable amount of time trying to install git on my Terastation. First I discover that all the git-core ppc debian and rpm packages are compiled against a different version of libc. So I get the source…

Holographic Sunglasses

My moleskine has been holding on to a rather provocative idea for quite some time. On 7th Aug. of 2006 I wrote about a television system with no moving parts. The idea is that you use an LED laser together…

The GNU’s Thumb

Alright, So I’ve been thinking about keeping my home directory in git recently. I have a machine that I can dedicate to storing a ‘master copy’ and I’ve no problem with creating scripts and minor utils to help things along….

Hardware Failure

Hardware fails from time to time. And, unlike software, it can’t be fixed by typing or scriptic incantation. One of the harddrives in my primary computer failed. Fortunately, I set up that machine with 2 500GB drives as a mirrored…

Eclectic Tastes in Music

I don’t usually listen to music at all, The only band that I know for sure that I like is Rush (and that’s primarily because they have works inspired by Rand, in addition to a light sprinkling of non-traditional psychedelic…

Weekly Summary of Noospheric Echolocutions

This past week I finished my reading of Mandelbrot’s most recent book The (Mis)Behavior of Markets. I actually didn’t like it that much. I found the book to be especially light on details; for a mathematical empiricist Mandelbrot didn’t actually…

Printed Circuits

My laptop broke, so I took it apart to see what was wrong (a personality trait developed in early childhood). All signs point to a hardware problem, one that I’m incapable of fixing. This situation is absolutely galling. Like most…