The Sins of Public Education
I was reading Why Geography Matters by de Blij, and in the first chapter (page 15) he says But, as so often happens when social engineers get hold of a system that’s working well, the wheels came off. Professional educators…
Google Uprising
I had an interesting thought today as I was surfing the net about business culture and eXtreem Programming. I ran across a news item about Guido van Rossum finally finishing up a his first project since getting hired at Google….
The Purpose of Government
My last entry said that government should purpose itself to protection of its citizenry. Well, I’ve now decided that this idea leads to a welfare state with institutionalized dependence. Check Asimov for an ideal case of the beneficent government made…
Citizen and Liberties
The government should purpose itself to maintaining and defending the freedoms of its citizenry. These freedoms should not only entail what has been written in the Constutition of the US but also those regarding patents, copyrights, and so forth. The…
Organizational Design
I was reading /. today and I realized that the entire GNU/Linux community has had a remarkable underground success, that can be attributed to a few key assumptions about people in general. Individuals are semi-intelligent, and don’t always act in…
How to Deconstruct Almost Anything
A techie responds to indecipherable analysis from humanities with sarcastic opening in speech at interdisciplinary conference. Making fun of post-modern deconstructionism is fun!