Teaching-Oriented Faculty at Research Universities

The Communications of the ACM has put out an interesting piece about the treatment and role of faculty who wish to focus on teaching more than research. This viewpoint article, Teaching-Oriented Faculty at Research Universities, includes comments from people I’ve…

College Isn’t For Everyone

I’ve been spending a lot of cog cycles processing ways to make money doing education. It’s apparently quite difficult. With statements like There is No Profit in Education, No Competitive Advantage to Better Learning. and posts about Why Education Startups…


This past weekend, I made the trip up to Bakersfield. It took far longer than necessary to drive there because, even at midnight, the 5 is clogged with traffic. I went to attend the KernCue conference. Although, it focused exclusively…

eXtreme Education: Cognitive programming

eXtreme Education: Cognitive programming

I read a few articles that I’d like to pull together and place under the growing umbrella of what might probably become my personal teaching philosophy. First, when you look at eXtreme Programming, it consists of a collection of reinforcing…

Unit Testing in Education

In my readings of Extreme Programming, one thing I’m struggling to pick up on is Unit Testing. Mostly, it’s the pain of writing tests for each thing I can imagine goes wrong. Partly it’s an imaginary horror: I think about…

Redesigning a CS Curriculum

A number of my posts over the last couple of weeks have concerned education and curriculum. I met with a couple of the educators here at UCI, to go over these points. I’d like to record these thoughts before they…

Education Includes Personal Growth

I think there is a trend among the students who perform poorly in class, but fail to show up to office hours to get assistance: I believe they might be suffering from poor study skills. Now, because they don’t show…

Student-Derived Metrics

I’m still reading the Standards for Our Schools book. I don’t have a rigorous background in literature about learning and education, but what I see so far indicates that incorporating standards into education is analogous to incorporating evidence into your…

eXtreme Education

I feel like I’m slowly converging on some good ideas that have been floating around long before I noticed them. Again, in the book I’ve been reading, Standards for Our Schools, I came across some good material. The authors were…